UpperBee is a proud partner of the next golf tournament organized by the Canadian Condominium Institute Eastern Ontario
June 21, 2023
Thanks to the CCI-Eastern Ontario Chapter for organizing this tournament. The UpperBee team looks forward to meeting you.
Come meet us at the REMI Show in Toronto on June 14 and 15
June 9, 2023
UpperBee continues to expand in the Ontario market, and is once again taking part in this year's REMI Show, on June 14 and 15, to meet with real estate and property management professionals.
UpperBee is a proud partner of the Heron Point golf tournament organized by ACMO
May 29, 2023
Thank you to ACMO - ASSOCIATION OF CONDOMINIUM MANAGER of ONTARIO for the opportunity and organization of this tournament! Come and meet the team at this event!
UpperBee is proud partner of the 2023 Kingston Spring Condominium Conference organized by the Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI) – Eastern Ontario
April 25, 2023
As UpperBee continues its expansion into the Ontario market, the team will be pleased to see you at its booth at the Kingston Condominium Conference on May 12th, 2023.
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