Features: Portfolio
For 1 or thousands of users
Because the needs of larger management companies differ from those of smaller ones, UpperBee allows you to create the user accesses that best suit your needs.
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
UpperBee’s role-based security allows you to assign various roles to users in order to grant them or limit their access to various modules or information. UpperBee also allows for granular read-only and edit permission.
Customizable Dashboard
Assign your widgets and set your view of your business. In one view, evaluate your contracts, manage workflows, assign tasks to other staff with complete digital documentation. Be notified of hot items with UpperBee Manager’s “Action” widget, and keep everything you find important in plain sight.
Invoices approval
Go paperless! – Automate your document processing and become a scan and shred operation. No more rows an rows of filing cabinets – save money on equipment, office space, and keep all you files digitally just a few clicks away.
Payment approval
Go paperless! – Automate your workflows by allowing you to assign various task levels within your organization, and move your documents along until completion with digital signature and filing in the digital library.
Mobile app for all your properties
Access the contact details of your tenants, owners and suppliers, for your entire real estate portfolio from anywhere and any device, launch calls directly from the application, open or close service requests, access your equipment lists, maintenance logs and task lists. Access all property documents thanks to UpperBee's virtual libraries and much more!
Resident manual
Resident manuals are useful tools to provide important information to residents of a building. However, distribution and keeping the document current can be a nightmare. Over time, multiple version come to exist and residents start operating on old and outdate information. Manager provides the ability to centralize this tool in one place; accessible online by any resident, tenant, owner or co-owner - changes to the document are instantly communicated as the document is shared. Correct and current information is just a few clicks away, and on any device.
Emergency management module
In an urgent situation (e.g., water damage, fire, building access issues, etc.) every second counts. Managers do not have the time to hunt for contact list, search through there database structures to find the page with the information they need. Manager's emergency management module cuts through all the red tape by providing a direct interface to address the problem at hand. Simply select the building and the problem and all the information you need is brought to the fore. When disaster strikes, UpperBee Manager's is there for you.
Ever misplaced an old client file?
You have boxes containing old customers paper files from ages ago, whatever your practice, keeping them in your office, at the building or send them out to be warehoused, UpperBee Manager includes a practical tracking tool that allows you to always know where your customers' archives are stored.
Employee absence calendar
UpperBee allows you to enter your employee and supervision organization structure into the system. Once configured, Manager's employee absence calendar allows you to flag employees that will be out for what ever reason and automatically routes all messages and services request notices to the next person in the chain. With UpperBee your clients are always covered.
Service quality
Service quality management is imbedded at every level in the UpperBee system. With automatic client quality surveys, workflow status supervision, and employee productivity statistics, a comprehensive set of measures and statistics are gathered as you operate day-to-day. Manager comes complete with powerful analytical tools to analyze that data and provide timely information to support management actions.
We are here for you
Have an idea for a feature that would propel your business to new heights, our team of dedicated developers can help you make it a reality. Team up with us and let's make it happen!