UpperBee: Advanced Collaboration Features
August 17, 2021
The UpperBee platform allows owners, co-owners and tenants to report a problem in the building or to request various services:
Migrating from traditional property management accounting software to the UpperBee all-in-one, end-to-end property management platform is easy … and profitable!
August 16, 2021
Still using an old, outdated real estate accounting platform? Do you manage condominiums or rental properties, or both? Are you tired of having to use several more or less “integrated” software programs in your daily activities that waste your time and money?
Managers using UpperBee’s online property management software saw a significant increase in their workload following the onset of COVID-19, but wait there’s good news.
August 12, 2021
Internal tracking of service requests made by UpperBee client manager residents shows that the number of service requests jumped 50% in 2020 from their pre-COVID 19 level in 2019 and more than doubled in 2021, when the same 7-month periods for 2019 and 2021 are compared.
Track&Fix integrates with all major construction software
July 28, 2021
With the Track&Fix inspection tool you can carry out professional and structured inspections directly on the construction site and it is also integrated with the main construction software.
New obligations and impacts related to Bill 141 and Bill 16
July 23, 2021
The new obligations and impacts related to Bill 141 or Bill 16 (study of contingency funds, the implementation of the maintenance booklet...) will bring new constraints to integrate into your management and new costs (time and money).
Don’t neglect your pre-acceptance inspections
July 21, 2021
Whether you are a real estate developer, general contractor or building owner, make your inspections easy with Track&Fix by UpperBee.
Find your manager with UpperBee
July 15, 2021
Trying to find a property manager who will take care of your property using state-of-the-art expertise and management systems can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Devmont has chosen Track&Fix for the delivery of Westbury 3 and 4
July 13, 2021
The Track&Fix team is proud to assist Devmont in the delivery of phases 3 and 4 of the Westbury project.