Updates & News – February 2022
February 10, 2022 |
Here are some of the latest additions to your UpperBee software that have just been put online to allow you to better manage your buildings.
» To see the full list of February news click here.
Meetings and Assemblies Management Webinar
Friday, February 11 at 12:00 p.m.
UpperBee has all the tools to organize your board and all your other types of meetings.
Learn how to manage your meetings with UpperBee, from convocation to signing minutes, and, as a manager, you can facilitate this process and prepare for various scenarios.
Reminder: These training webinars are free and reserved for Licensed UpperBee customers. If you are a licensed property manager of UpperBee, you have already received by email all the information about this program as well as the registration links.
UpperBee TV
See our latest videos uploaded on UpperBee TV to help our users.
These videos will allow you to enjoy the full experience of all UpperBee features.